Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chalkboard Party

Gina at http://theshabbychiccottage.blogspot.com/
is hosting a Crazy About Chalkboards Party on Friday, June 26th. Stop and see all of the creative uses for Chalkboard Paint.

This was going to be the object I converted into a chalkboard but got delayed due to the window being left out in the rain and a critter then knocking it over and breaking the glass.

It is still going to get overhauled into a chalkboard, just not in time for the party.
On to Plan B

I have saved these containers knowing they were a good size for something. I spray painted the lids with Chalkboard Spray Paint and then painted the bottoms....instant unique gift wrap.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

DESIGN GIVES BACK: Decorate a Scarf & Help Lost Dogs

Over at Katillac Shack they are raising funds for pets that have been displaced from their homes due to financial crisis.

Won't you join in the fun and alter/decorate/embelish a dog scarf ?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blogging Part Deux

While I loved my first little blog..http://dolfinlvr65.blogspot.com/...I started to ignore it and during that time my creative endeavors evolved. I needed a way to tie my new love of frugal decorating, blog surfing, scrapbooking, altered art, sewing, baking, photography and any new thing I think I need to try/master together.

So here we have it.

Ok, the truth is my old blog used an email address that I no longer use and I couldn't figure out (didn't take the time) if I could marry up that blog with a new email. It was just easier to start over.

Some of my IRL (in real life) friends think I spend too much time on the internet. I see it as a way to expand my circle of friends and feed my need to be inspired by kindered spirits. Through blogs, facebook, myspace and email I am able to grow many friendships and not have it cut into my family time. How awesome is it to have cyber friends all over the world that share the same interests?
Honestly, I don't know how they all survive without the internet.

Time for more coffee!