Thursday, June 11, 2009

DESIGN GIVES BACK: Decorate a Scarf & Help Lost Dogs

Over at Katillac Shack they are raising funds for pets that have been displaced from their homes due to financial crisis.

Won't you join in the fun and alter/decorate/embelish a dog scarf ?


  1. Wonderful Alicia!

    Thank-you for caring about this cause! I love your blog and am so happy I found you!

    love, kelee

  2. Hi Alicia! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I just checked out your photography page and I'm LOVING the photos of the siamese eating the dandelions, omg, way too cute!!! Can't wait to check back on your blog and see how the home deco, art, and photography are going.
    Wish you well,

  3. Ohhh my word....
    I just found your blog and your not going to believe this.... we have the same last name!!!!
    Its not a popular last name thats for sure LOL
    Well, its my married name. My husband is from Poland. His sister has the same first and last name as you. LOL

    Candy :)
